Doyle Hostetler

Like so many of us, Doyle Hostetler found himself drawn to creating art at a young age. While in high school, on the Front Range of Colorado, he took accelerated art classes and won an art contest that garnered him a year’s membership to the Wildlife World Museum. However, a second move with his family; this time to Phoenix, Arizona and a much bigger high school, had him push his passion for art aside and not pursue it again for decades. Nearly forty years would go by before Hostetler would find himself back in front of an easel.
After thirty years of working in architecture and residential construction Hostetler started his first oil painting in February of 2019. He simply wanted to see what he could do. Little did he know that he had just found what he refers to as his true calling. Come January of 2021, Hostetler devoted himself to his career as a full-time artist. That’s right, he has only been creating this incredible body of work for a few years. Spend a moment marveling at what he has created today and ponder what he is capable of tomorrow. Hostetler found the courage to change careers at the age of 53.
Wisely, Hostetler says, “Success is driven by passion, discipline, confidence, vision and accelerated with talent.” He has used all of the above to quickly gain notoriety in the art world that few of us can even dream of. His ascension as an artist is rarely seen.
Hostetler’s subject matter and style are well defined. Wildlife is the muse for nearly all of his paintings. A bold lack of color defines his palette. The atmosphere is alive in every painting. He approaches his art with a keen sense of balancing the strength and will to survive of his animal subjects with a softness that portrays their individual personalities and loyalties perfectly. Every painting seems to tell the story of some of earth’s most magnificent beings.
Hostetler often says that he creates the art he wants to see. He possesses a constantly unsatisfied creative vigor, equipped with the energy of someone who found their passion after letting it go by the wayside for too many years. His thoughtful approach to wild subjects conveys a sense of majesty, of a need to protect their delicate places in this world. Hostetler lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife Charla, where his studio fills a part of their home.
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