

From Alvis:

“Leap!” was the next horse I saw in the house the day the House Horse series was imagined.  Our television in the family room had matching bookcases on either end and up there I saw him – jumping from the top edge of one bookcase toward the top of the other!  Was there a message here?  I feel that “Leap!” was an encouraging sign that I should stop being shy about sharing my creativity with the world and be a professional sculptor.  “

Leap!” is one of my more unusual pieces in that he is attached to a base and may be placed in such a way that he can be jumping out into open space.  The weight of the base behind him keeps him aloft. 

“Leap!” is 25″ high x 25″ long x 9″ wide and his beautiful patina is called Gold Earth & Sky.  His edition is only 25 pieces and this very unique sculpture will be sold out soon.

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